Title: Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2)
Author: Lili Saint Germain
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Romantic
Date: 16th February
Six Brothers buy link for
the iBookstore: https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/six-brothers/id795191503?mt=11
I have lied.
I have cheated.
I have given my body and my life to the man who destroyed my
family and left me for dead.
I have killed, I have sinned, and worst of all, I have enjoyed
the misery of others.
I have licked the salty tears of a father mourning his firstborn
son, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.
I have died, and I have been resurrected, a phoenix from the
I know I’m going to hell. I’ll burn in the fiery pits alongside
Dornan and his sons for the things I’ve done, and for the things I’m about to
But I don’t care. It will be worth every lick of the devils
flames on my guilty flesh to destroy Dornan Ross.
One down, six to go.
people would call me a whore. A girl who sold her soul to the devil. Who let
him inside her, with no remorse. Who danced with the monster who destroyed
those people, I say only this: I didn’t have to sell Dornan Ross my soul. He
already owned it. And once I’ve killed him, maybe I can get it back.
I think about life before Juliette Portland supposedly died, I think of the
midday sun, and the way it caught the water, making a million tiny diamonds
glisten in the Venice Beach waves. I think of laughter and first kisses, of ice
cream, stolen beer, and Ferris wheels.
think of how much I loved Jason Ross, and how valiantly he fought to protect me
when the rest of his family were beating and fucking me to within an inch of my
think about my father, and how whenever he was near, I felt safe, no matter
think about my mother, and how indifferent she was to my existence, to the
point where my father was going to take me away from everything, including her,
so that we could have a life free of the constant danger that a club like the
Gypsy Brothers meant.
think of how, if he had succeeded, what a wonderful life that would have been.
true what they say—keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Only, they
forgot to add: Don’t keep your enemies so close that they can strike without
warning. That was my father’s mistake. That was our fatal undoing.
I was planning my revenge, I vowed not to make the same mistakes he did.
Allowing the enemy too close—Dornan was VP of the club, my father had been the
President, but he had been quickly losing control as Dornan and his sons
outnumbered him.
vowed not to make the same mistakes my father did. But here, now, laying pinned
beneath Dornan as he fills me with his rage and grief, his eldest son dead by
my hand and the funeral in just a few hours, I have to wonder if I’m heading
down the exact path that led to our destruction all those years ago.
About the Author
writes dark romance. Her serial novel, Seven Sons, was released in early 2014,
with the following books in the series to be released in quick succession. Lili
quit corporate life to focus on writing and is loving every minute of it. Her
other loves in life include her gorgeous husband and beautiful daughter, good
coffee, chocolate, wine, and hanging at the beach. She loves to read almost as
much as she loves to write.
also writes paranormal fantasy.
Connect with Lili
Twitter: @Lilistgermain1
Email: lilisaintgermain@gmail.com
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